The 47th Annual Colorado West Marching Band Festival will be held September 21, 2024 in Grand Junction, Colorado. This year there will be a change to the festival. It will consists of a Prelim/Finals format. The Prelims competition will be by class and will start (late morning with the exact time TBD). Performances will be at Stocker Stadium with judging and awards. Following the Prelims there will be an open class Finals event which will be determined by the Prelim scores. Prelims will be limited to 15 bands. Entry forms must be received by August 22, 2024.
Ticket Prices for Field Show Only: Adults- $15.00 Children, Senior Citizens, Active Military- $10.00 Children under 5- FREE
Directors- Please read copyright instructions and complete the CBA Copyright Form. This form needs to be sent to: [email protected]