The 2021-22 Budget Book is available here.
The development, review, and consideration of the 2021-22 budget was accomplished through the collaboration of the Board of Education, District leadership, and community feedback. The form at the bottom of this page allows individuals to provide the District with budgetary suggestions. The responses received will help guide the Board of Education in the decision making process going forward. Potential reductions and additions are scrutinized and prioritized for maximum positive impact on students in alignment with District long-term goals.
Budget Process Timeline:

Budget Information and Highlights:
During the recent recession, the District faced significant reductions over four years. From the 2009-10 school year to the 2012-13 school year, the General Fund operational budget was reduced 21% while enrollment decreased by only 1%. The Board of Education has consciously tried to minimize the impact of reductions within classrooms. The challenge is providing the same level of service expected by parents and the community to the same number of students, with significantly less money.
In 2009, facing budget shortfalls at the state level, legislature added a new "budget stabilization" or "negative" factor to the School Finance Act formula. This across-the-board cut reduces formula funding from all districts that receive state equalization funding. State legislators may adjust this factor annually through the School Finance Act formula, dependent upon available funding for school finance. The following graph shows the Stabilization Factor reduction applied each year to funding for Mesa County Valley School District 51, beginning in fiscal year 2010-11.
D51 Reductions - State Budget Stabilization Factor (Negative Factor)

Learn more about the D51 Budget:
History of Budget Reductions
Colorado K-12 Mandates
Type your contact information and Budget Suggestions or Comments below and click on submit: