T&L Glossary and Resources

Definition as used in Teaching and Learning Framework Resources
Actionable Feedback Specific, timely, growth producing comments that support learners through multiple opportunities as they progress toward the mastering of standards. Assessment for Learning Continuum Seven Keys to Effective Feedback
Agency The capacity and tendency to take purposeful initiative the opposite of helplessness. Agency refers to the level of control, autonomy, and power that a learner experiences in an educational setting. Growth Mindset Culture Learning Continuum
Assessment Criteria Clearly defined expectations that define the mastering of standards. Assessment for Learning Continuum
Assessment Tools Measures of clearly defined expectations (exit tickets, running records, anecdotal notes, Socratic seminar, various student work samples, etc.). Assessment for Learning Continuum
Backward by Design (UbD) An approach that begins with the end in mind, mastering of standards. This term is used by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe in Understanding by Design. Backward by Design Learning Continuum UbD in a Nutshell
Body of Evidence Multiple forms and modes of evidence of student learning in relation to mastering of standards. Examples may be but are not limited to: Anecdotal notes, presentations, peer feedback, self-assessments, district and state assessments, cross-curricular integrated projects, various student work samples.
Cognitive Load Refers to the total amount of mental effort being used in the working memory.
Collaboration Working together to develop a shared understanding and responsibility for the growth and achievement of all learners.
Deliberate Practice Intentional processes of learning and developing a skill and/or knowledge.
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) The levels of understanding required to demonstrate learning.
Differentiation A wide variety of teaching techniques and lesson adaptations to instruct a diverse group of learners.
Engagement Refers to the degree of attention, curiosity, interest, optimism, and passion that learners show when they are learning.
Equity Fair and impartial access to learning opportunities.
Feedback Cycle Feedback in the classroom can be defined as "information allowing a learner to reduce the gap between what is evident currently and what could or should be the case" Hattie, J.A.C. & Yates, G.C.R. (2014). Using Feedback to Promote Learning. A feedback cycle is a process that aims to move learning forward through feedback. This feedback cycle should happen frequently.
Formative Assessment Provides the insight teachers need to make modifications in instruction based on where students are at any given moment. This information should be specific, timely, and actionable, so the learner has opportunity to act upon feedback.
Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) An effective practice where teachers strategically transfer the cognitive load / responsibility to think in the learning process from the teacher to the students (Fisher & Frey). This model recognizes the recursive nature of learning as a teacher cycles purposely through the four phases: I DO -Model, WE DO - Guided Instruction, YOU DO TOGETHER - Collaboration, YOU DO ALONE - Independent Practice. Gradual Release of Responsibility
Inclusivity For all.
Instructional Approaches The purposeful and responsive decisions the teacher makes about how content will be delivered. Examples may be but are not limited to: Whole group, small group, workshop model, inquiry, reciprocal teaching, peer coaching, conferencing, guided instruction, etc.
Learning Community (LC) A group of practitioners engaging in learning, continuous improvement, collective responsibility, problem solving, and goal alignment. Learning Community Continuum
Learning Experiences The mode that learners engage with the content (tasks, activities, assignments, conversations, discussions, etc.) as related to learning, performance, engagement, projects, problem-solving, etc.
Learning Pathways Options by which learners choose to understand and demonstrate mastery of standards.
Learning Styles Refers to the preference with which the student absorbs, processes, comprehends, and retains information.
Learning System A learning system is one in which all members of the organization are continuously involved in the learning process, and in which learning and working are seamlessly intertwined. (Learning Forward)
Manage One's Self and One's Learning Ability to control impulsive feelings and behaviors, manage emotions in healthy ways, take initiative, follow through on commitments, and adapt to changing circumstances.
Multiple Forms of Assessment Formative: Provides the insight teachers need to make modifications in instruction based on where students are at any given moment. This information should be specific, timely, and actionable, so the learner has opportunity to act upon feedback.
Interim: Assessments given at selected intervals within the school year; data provides an impartial measure of progress towards learning objectives, measures academic progress and informs instruction.
Summative: Validates whether or not students have learned the content provided and whether they are mastering the measured standard(s).
Multiple Opportunities Several and varied attempts to demonstrate mastery of the standards (body of evidence).
Multiple Stakeholders All who are invested in a given process (self, peers, teacher, parent, community, higher education, etc.).
Ownership Ownership is the level of investment a learner (student or adult) has in learning, teaching, and leadership anywhere throughout the education system. Growth Mindset Culture Learning Continuum
Practitioner A professional educator who practices and refines his/her craft.
Productive Struggle The effort to make sense of something, to figure out something that is not immediately apparent.
Quality Work Work that is engaging, authentic, purposeful, rigorous, complex and precise.
Reflective Learner One who thinks about his/her thinking (meta-cognition), self-reflects, sets goals, monitors progress, and adjusts. (PDCA - Plan, Do, Check, Adjust).
Relevant Related to the following: personal connection, prior knowledge or next steps, real-world application, current events, etc.
Resources Tools used in the service of learning. Examples may be but are not limited to: Tests, audio and/or video clips, manipulatives, guest speakers, other learners, protocols, etc.
Responsive Learning Environment Learning environments designed to adjust quickly, flexibly, and positively to learner needs.
Scaffold A variety of instructional techniques used to move learners form their current state of learning toward stronger understanding and greater independence.
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Process through which learners acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attributes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve goals, feel and show empathy, establish positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Set of step by step instructions to help learners carry out a routine. Shared Vision and Code Learning Continuum
Standards-Based Criteria See Assessment Criteria
Transparent Made clear to all stakeholders.
Workshop Model Workshop is a teaching structure that supports students to be creative and responsible in their own learning. The Workshop Model supports students in taking charge of their own learning, becoming active and engaged in their work, and developing understanding. Within the workshop structure, teachers are able to address both the whole group's needs as well as differentiating for the needs of small groups and individuals. Workshop for All Continuum